Local experiences in Gândara

Discover Gândara – The Green Side of the Sea

Discover Gândara – The Green Side of the Sea … Using GreenSide of Sea – Hostel as starting point… Geography of Gândara Located in the Central Coastal Zone, Gândara comprises the coastal strip between Aveiro, Coimbra and Figueira-da-Foz. Gândara It is by definition Synonymous of “Dune Sand” Gig.1 – Dunes of da Gândara location on the

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Ti Amélia: 98 years of history under the Gandaresa hat

Ti Amélia: 98 years of history under the gandaresa hat. In the photo with his great-granddaughter Cátia (34 years old) … at 96 years old. Left’s us today – with his hat – the last Genuine Gandaresa … More than 2 months ago “I feel that i need to” write the following text … coincidences

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Regional Corn: Basis of Healthy Traditional Food in Gândara

We can say that Maize was the basis of the Gandaresa Food. Both directly – Broa and Popes of corn flour – papioca, or indirectly, feeding the animals – chickens, pigs… The corn comes from Central and South America and appears in Europe at the time of the Discoveries, post-Columbus, in the middle of the

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In Gândara … neither woman nor cow

“In Gândara … neither Woman nor cow!” The phrase heard her every time that my internship advisor, (Lady with knowledge of the hardness of the field work’s, even born and leave all life at Lisbon), moved from INIA (National Institute of Agricultural Research – Oeiras), to Vagos, where we had the rehearsal’s fields in 1991.

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Rejuvenating fields can prevent fires

Rejuvenating fields can prevent fires In October 2017, the central coast was also devastated by another violent fire. This Dantesque spectacle is not exclusive of the desertified interior areas . In the tragic fires of 2017, the fire even entered the center of Vila of Mira, surrounded villages, bordered backyards, burned gardens, firewood and other stored

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